Archive for October, 2009
2009 Penfield Elections
by bmeg2000 on Oct.27, 2009, under Observations
Not since my schizophrenic days of working on the campaign of Barry Goldwater (1964) and supporting George McGovern (1972) have I been overly involved in the political process (I just couldn’t get excited about either Nixon or Humphrey in 1968).
However, the current situation in our country has gotten me to think about public service, politics and electioneering.
In one week, the town of Penfield will elect a new Town Supervisor, two Town Board Members, the Town Clerk and Town Justice. For town residents, these elections have direct impact for the next two years. Know the candidates – who they are, what they stand for, what they propose to do if elected.
This year, the candidates are:
Town Supervisor
Tony LaFountain (
Margaret Trevett (
Steve Nazarian (
Town Board Members:
Paula Metzler and Andy Moore
John Albright and Lynne Crawford
Town Clerk:
Robyn Miller
Amy Stecklof
Town Justice:
David Murphy
Jim Mulley
With the Internet and local TV, it is so very easy to become an informed voter.
1. Visit the websites listed above.
2. Use Google.
3. Read the Penfield NY Bulletin Board for the 2009 Elections (
4. Watch PCTV Channel 15 – there are two Candidate information programs to be broadcast between now and Election Day:
Forum hosted by the Green Initiative on 9/29/2009 – airdates:
10/27/2009 01:30 PM Candidates Green Forum: 01:38:14
10/29/2009 04:00 PM Candidates Green Forum: 01:38:14
11/01/2009 08:00 AM Candidates Green Forum: 01:38:14
11/02/2009 08:00 PM Candidates Green Forum: 01:38:14
Meet the Candidates hosted by the Penfield Business Association on 10/13/2009 – airdates:
10/28/2009 07:30 PM PBA Meet the Candidates: 02:10:41
10/29/2009 07:00 AM PBA Meet the Candidates: 02:10:41
10/30/2009 03:30 PM PBA Meet the Candidates: 02:10:41
10/31/2009 12:00 PM PBA Meet the Candidates: 02:10:41
11/01/2009 08:00 PM PBA Meet the Candidates: 02:10:41
11/02/2009 12:00 PM PBA Meet the Candidates: 02:10:41
Town Government is no place for political partisanship, razzmatazz and jibber-jabber (I never thought I’d be able to use those two words in the same sentence).
Campaigns that mention hobbies, school attendance, and living in the same place a very long time as pseudo-qualifications are insulting to voters.
Be wary of the “Throw the Rascals Out” strategy, which usually results in voting in new rascals.
Or the TAX GAMBIT. We all would like well managed taxes. But after all the “fat” has been cut out, the only places left reduce are services, equipment and facility maintenance, and town improvements. Eventually, as my Aunt Tillie used to say, the pigeons come home to roost and the NEXT GUY has to spend the money to replace, fix and maintain all those things that were left undone. And that bill should be a whopper.
The election of town officials should be viewed as a job interview. We are asking them to work for us to manage our town. Determine what qualifications are important to you. Do they have a plan? Are they interested in public service or a political career? What are their priorities and do you agree?
An informed voter is, to quote Mickey Goldmill , “a very, very dangerous person”.
Remember, you get what you vote for.